It’s time to evaluate your respirator fit testing program! What’s going well? What’s slowing you down? Time and time again we see ambulatory centers turn to in-house fit testing to streamline their program. Why? You will save time, and resources, and be able to fit test on your own time. If you already have an outsourced fit testing program, having a few in-house fit testers can help speed your new hire onboarding. The info below will show you how to empower your ambulatory center to perform in-house fit testing.
Here are the supplies you need to perform a respirator fit test:
A Respirator Fit Testing Hood
Threshold Solution
Fit Test Solution
Qualitative Fit Test Clearance Cards
If you have trouble gathering supplies, look for an all-in-one provider. Our Mobile Health Fit Kit™ comes stocked with all the supplies you need to fit test up to 100 employees. When you get low on supplies, simply place another order and Fit Kit™ will ship straight to your door.
OSHA doesn’t require a certification to perform respirator fit testing, so anyone on your team can be a fit tester! But, your fit tester must be able to show they can understand and perform the core competencies of a respirator fit test.
The Mobile Health Fit Kit™ takes care of your training program for you! We conduct a live respirator fit test training with your team and leave you with everything you need for refreshers ─ a step-by-step instructional guide, FAQ sheet, and training videos. Once you become a Fit Kit™ partner, you always have access to the Mobile Health fit testing team for additional questions and clarifications.
How will you report fit test results? OSHA requires you have each employees latest fit test on-hand at all time. This can be done through a HIPAA-compliant reporting or data-storage platform.
With Fit Kit™, we give you access to our records and reporting technology! Through our platform, you can conduct and document online OSHA medical evaluations and respirator fit test results. For online medical evaluations, you simply send employees an evaluation link, our licensed medical professionals will review in real time, and results come directly to the platform. Next, we train you how to record fit testing results, which will automatically generate the OSHA-compliant records you need. This can remain digital in the HIPAA-compliant platform, or you can print/export these records.
We would love to answer any of your questions and tell you more about our diverse respirator fit testing solutions. Simply send us a message and we will set up a time to meet with you. Get in touch with Mobile Health today.