Mobile Health has launched, a one-stop website where businesses of any size can request OSHA-mandated respirator fit tests to protect employees.
Respirator fit tests ensure the proper fitting of worker’s N95s and other tight-fitting half-face masks, protecting them from airborne workplace hazards, including COVID-19, and are mandated by OSHA’s Respiratory Protection Standard.
Ignoring OSHA fit test requirements can result in costly penalties.
Respirator Fit Tests and Medical Evaluations
After employers submit fit test requirements at, Mobile Health will quickly respond with a customized, OSHA-compliant solution. Mobile Health makes compliance easy by offering both online medical evaluations and fit testing in one place. Options include the following:
- Online medical evaluation – OSHA requires fit test candidates to undergo a medical evaluation to ensure they are medically able to wear a respirator. Mobile Health’s web-based evaluation lets employees answer several questions that are reviewed by a Mobile Health physician before their fit test.
- On-site respirator fit tests – A convenient and cost-effective way to provide large-scale respirator fit testing for multiple employees at the workplace. Experienced mobile testing teams bring everything needed to conduct the 15-minute fit test at employer locations.
- Mobile Health FIT KIT™ – An innovative and economical solution for smaller businesses to fit test their own employees. Mobile Health provides all the supplies, training, and support to FIT KIT™ users.
In addition to the ability to book respirator fit tests, includes a wealth of education about respirator fit tests, from respirator fit test FAQs to Mobile Health fit test success stories to the specifics of OSHA’s Respiratory Protection Program.
Pandemic Fuels Fit Test Demand
Mobile Health has offered respirator fit tests throughout its 38-year history as a provider of pre-employment and compliance screenings. However, the pandemic heightened demand for respiratory protection and prompted the launch of the dedicated respirator fit test site.
“Safety concerns brought on by COVID-19 mean many more employers outside of healthcare and manufacturing now fall under OSHA Respiratory Protection Requirements,” explains James Anderson, Chief Sales Officer of Mobile Health. “They are new to OSHA workplace compliance and safety requirements, and we are here to guide them and keep them in compliance.” Employers who ignore OSHA fit test requirements could be subject to costly fines, Anderson noted.
During its pandemic pivot, Mobile Health also launched a suite of on-site COVID-19 services, including testing, symptom monitoring and vaccine administration.